CPCE to conduct survey on Hong Kong corporate citizenship

The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education:

     The Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education and the Home Affairs Bureau have commissioned the Centre for Civil Society and Governance, in collaboration with Policy 21 Limited of the University of Hong Kong to conduct a survey to obtain information on Hong Kong companies' corporate culture and values, the existing policies and practices, as well as their understanding and awareness of corporate citizenship.

     Questionnaires will be sent in stages to around 10,000 randomly selected establishments from tomorrow (October 31), inviting them to participate in the survey. Field officers from Policy 21 Limited will contact the sampled establishments to help them complete the questionnaire before the end of the year.

     A committee spokesman appealed to the companies for their fullest co-operation in completing the questionnaire.

     ¡°The survey findings will help us understand the current state of corporate citizenship in Hong Kong, with a view to formulating promotion strategy and preparing a charter on corporate citizenship,¡± the spokesman said.

     The results of the survey are expected to be ready in mid 2007. For details of the survey, please visit the CPCE website (www.cpce.gov.hk).

Ends/Monday, October 30, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:00