Police College strives to nurture outstanding officers

    The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, commended the Hong Kong Police College for nurturing a pool of high-calibre, outstanding police officers to serve the community and make important contributions to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

     Reviewing a passing-out parade of 20 probationary inspectors and 172 recruit constables at the Police College today (October 28), he attributed the good work to the professional training provided by the Police College and the dedication and commitment of its teaching staff and instructors.

     Dr Chow pointed out that the work of the Force, providing a wide scope of services, could be said to be amongst the most difficult, challenging and complicated of all professions.

     "Competent skills, unswerving determination, integrity and uprightness of character, and a wealth of general knowledge are required of you as police officers.  

     "The community expects you to display great courage and fortitude of spirit in discharging your duties.  Quick responses and sound judgment are also required.  You must also demonstrate perseverance, resolve and bravery in the face of emergencies," he told the graduating officers.

     Encouraging the officers to pursue lifelong learning, Dr Chow said he was confident that the officers would rise to whatever challenges they were going to encounter on the way with continuous learning and a steadfast will.

     Meanwhile, Dr Chow noted that the departments under the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau had been working in partnership with the Force on various fronts, such as the close co-operation between Social Welfare Department and the Police in tackling the problem of family violence.  He believed the cooperation between the Force and the Bureau would become even closer to respond to changing social needs.

     Dr Chow also noted that police officers were actively participating in volunteer work and the Force had been committed to promoting volunteer service aimed at "Building a Caring Workforce".

     "I am deeply aware that the Force is noted worldwide for its professionalism and distinction.  It is also a caring Force taking the interests of the community to heart," he said.

     Dr Chow hoped that the graduating officers would uphold the high level of professionalism of the Force and its fine tradition of caring for the society, and continued to dedicate themselves to community services to build a healthy, peaceful, stable and harmonious society.

Police Report No. 6
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Saturday, October 28, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:32