Eighteen draft Outline Zoning Plans approved

    The Chief Executive-in-Council has approved the following 18 draft Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs):

- Draft Mui Wo Fringe OZP (re-numbered as S/I-MWF/8)
- Draft Fu Tei Au and Sha Ling OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-FTA/10)
- Draft Hung Lung Hang OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-HLH/7)
- Draft Hok Tau OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-HT/5)
- Draft Kau Lung Hang OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-KLH/11)
- Draft Kwu Tung South OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-KTS/12)
- Draft Luk Keng and Wo Hang OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-LK/11)
- Draft Lung Yeuk Tau and Kwan Tei South OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-LYT/12)
- Draft Man Uk Pin OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-MUP/11)
- Draft Ping Kong OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-PK/11)
- Draft Ping Che and Ta Kwu Ling OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-TKL/12)
- Draft Wo Keng Shan OZP (re-numbered as S/NE-WKS/8)
- Draft Pak Kong and Sha Kok Mei OZP (re-numbered as S/SK-PK/11)
- Draft Kwun Yam Shan and Fa Sam Hang OZP (re-numbered as S/ST-KYS/11)
- Draft Pat Heung OZP (re-numbered as S/YL-PH/11)
- Draft Sheung Pak Nai and Ha Pak Nai OZP (re-numbered as S/YL-PN/9)
- Draft Shek Kong OZP (re-numbered as S/YL-SK/9)
- Draft Tai Tong OZP (re-numbered as S/YL-TT/14)

     "The approved OZPs provide a statutory land use planning framework to guide the development and redevelopment within the relevant areas," a spokesman for the Town Planning Board said today (October 27).

     The approved OZPs are now available for public inspection during normal office hours at the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board, the Planning Enquiry Counters of the Planning Department, the relevant District Planning Offices, District Offices and Rural Committees.

    Copies of the approved plans are available for sale at the Map Publications Centres in North Point and Yau Ma Tei. The electronic version of the plans can be viewed on the Town Planning Board's website at http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb.

Ends/Friday, October 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:45