Report covers population distribution projections for 2006-2015

    The New Territories and Kowloon will be the main population growth areas over the next decade, according to the latest population distribution projection results contained in a report published today (October 27) by the Planning Department.

     The report reveals that population of the New Territories and Kowloon would increase by 11% and 10% over the next 10 years, reaching 3.98 million and 2.28 million respectively by 2015, while that of Hong Kong Island is expected to decrease marginally from 1.26 million to 1.25 million during the same period.

     The share of the population of the New Territories in total population would increase slightly from 52% last year (2005) to 53% in 2015, while that of Hong Kong Island would show a slight fall from 18% to 17%. Kowloon's population was likely to remain stable at around 30%.
     The report entitled "Projections of Population Distribution, 2006-2015", presents the projected population distribution by three geographical demarcation systems, District Council District, New Town and Tertiary Planning Unit.  For each District Council District and New Town, the projected age structure is also presented.

     The distribution projections are made with respect to the projected total population of Hong Kong as prepared and released by the Census and Statistics Department in June, 2004.

     In terms of District Council District, Sha Tin is projected to remain as the most populous District Council District over the next 10 years. Its population is projected to reach 707,600 in 2015, up from 620,400 in 2005. Yuen Long will, on the other hand, experience the greatest population growth, with 108,900 more people over the next 10 years to reach 660,800 in 2015.

     On age structure, Yuen Long will have the youngest population among all District Council Districts in 2015, with a projected median age of 39.9 years, while Wan Chai's population will be the oldest, with a projected median age of 47.9 years.

     Summary results of the projections are available on the website of the Planning Department (

     Users can also download the full report in PDF format free of charge on the Planning Department's website ( or at the "Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong" ( of the Census and Statistics Department. Print version of the report is also available for public inspection at the Planning Enquiry Counter, Planning Department, 17/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong.

Ends/Friday, October 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:10