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Campaign to promote smoke-free environment (with photos)

    The Department of Health will carry out a territory-wide publicity campaign entitled ˇ°I love smoke-free Hong Kongˇ± to promote public awareness of the new smoke-free requirements under the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Ordinance 2006 to be published in the gazette tomorrow (October 27).

     The new requirements aim to further protect the public from the harmful effect of second-hand smoking. Most indoor areas of workplaces and public places, such as restaurants, offices, markets, karaokes and bars which are frequented by people of different ages are required to ban smoking from January 1, 2007.

     Six types of "qualified establishments" - nightclubs, commercial bathhouses, massage establishments, mahjong parlours, designated mahjong rooms in clubs and certain bars - may implement the smoking ban by July 1, 2009.

     The Deputy Director of Health, Dr TH Leung, said that during the campaign, the Tobacco Control Office of the department would adopt a multi-pronged approach to publicise the new measures.

     "Through the campaign, we hope to raise public awareness of the extension of the statutory smoking ban, to enhance self-discipline and compliance in statutory no- smoking areas and to create a harmonious environment for the implementation of the new legislation.

     "Publicity activities including Announcements in Public Interest, advertisements in the media, roving exhibitions, and distribution of pamphlets and posters will be conducted."

     "Workshops and seminars on the new no-smoking requirements will be organised for management and staff of various sectors, such as catering and tourism industries, hotel and building management.

     "We will also work together with various government departments and public bodies in the implementation of the new measures,ˇ± he said.

     Dr Leung appealed for public support and action in maintaining a smoke-free environment for the sake of their own health and for preventing other people from being affected by second-hand smoke.

     He said that activities would continue throughout the year with more intensified efforts before the new statutory requirements become effective on January 1.

     Members of the public and the trades may call the TCO hotline at 2961 8823 for further information on the new legislation.

Ends/Thursday, October 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:14


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