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Renowned financial services organisations take part in career exhibition

    The following is issued on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector:

    Some 40 renowned financial services organisations will take part in a career exhibition to open tomorrow (October 26) in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU).

    The three-day exhibition, named the "Financial Services Career Exhibition", is jointly organised by the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector (FinMan Committee) and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    Encouraging tertiary students to visit the exhibition, the Chairman of the FinMan Committee, Mr Chan Tze-ching, said, "The exhibition provides a precious opportunity for students to see for themselves the career opportunities in the best financial services companies/organisations, including banks, insurance companies, accounting firms, investments institutions, financial regulators and professional bodies."

    Apart from exhibition booths which companies and professional bodies in the financial services sector will provide themselves, career talks and seminars will also be conducted individually by the companies/organisations in breakout rooms.

    "These career talks and seminars are tailor-made for tertiary students who are interested in a career in the financial services sector.

    "During the seminars and talks, employers will share their expectations of new recruits and the talents they are looking for.

    "Students, by exchanges with representatives of the companies/organisations in the seminars, are able to learn from the extensive experience of industry practitioners.

    "We hope that the exhibition can serve as a platform for students to have a better understanding of the financial services world and how to enhance their chances to land a career in it," Mr Chan said.

    To attract students to attend the exhibition events, the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Director of the Graduate School of Business of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Judy Tsui, said, "The exhibition vividly demonstrates the importance of a close collaboration between industry, academia and the Government. It sets a good example of the necessity to further promote private public partnership. The exhibition provides a valuable opportunity for students to interact with professional executives from the territory's major organisations in financial services and have a better understanding of the requirements and attributes for careers in financial services sector."

    The exhibition is the third in a series of events organised by the FinMan Committee under the title of "Industry/Academia Collaboration on Nurturing Financial Talent Series" to foster mutual understanding and encourage co-operation between the financial services sector and the academia on issues related to human resource development for the industry.  

    A welcoming ceremony for the participating organisations to be officiated by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Frederick Ma; the Chairman of the FinMan Committee, Mr Chan Tze-ching; Vice President of PolyU, Professor Suleyman Demokan and the Associate Dean of Faculty of Business of PolyU, Professor Howard Davies to be taken place at 2.30pm on Friday (October 27) is another highlight of the exhibition.

    Mr Chan Tze-ching and the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Director of the Graduate School of Business of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Professor Judy Tsui, will tour round the exhibition at 11 am tomorrow (October 26) to gauge the response of the students and the participating companies/organisations.

    The FinMan Committee was established in June 2000 by the Government to foster better co-ordination of the efforts between the industry and the academia on financial services manpower development. It comprises representatives from the Government, the industry, regulators, professional bodies and training providers.

    A list of the companies/organisations participating in the exhibition is at the annex.

Ends/Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:31