Transcript of media session by Secretary for Economic Development and Labour

    Following is the transcript of a media session by the Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Mr Stephen Ip, at East Wing lobby of Central Government Offices today (October 24) (English portion):
We are very concerned about the zero-fare issue and we will talk to all the parties concerned, including tour guides, travel agents, the Travel Industry Council (TIC), Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) and the Consumer Council. To tackle the problem, we need concerted efforts. We hope to have a meeting of all parties concerned to see if there is area for improvement, like the regulatory framework on the part of TIC. We will need to do more in promotion, education and publicity on consumer protection measures in Hong Kong and in the Mainland. We will do more. Also, we will talk to the tour guides, listen to them and consider ways to improve the regulatory system.

Reporter: What are the problems on the Mainland side?

Secretary for Economic Development and Labour: All along we have kept in close touch with the China National Tourism Authority because we work together to tackle travel agents on the Mainland and also in Hong Kong. We will continue the dialogue and will work together. I want to emphasise that, to tackle the problem, we need the concerted efforts of all parties concerned.

 (Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript)

Ends/Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:55