October 2006 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics now available for sale

    The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) published today (October 20) the October 2006 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics (HKMDS).

     In this issue, three feature articles entitled "Development of Trade in Services of Hong Kong", "Drug Abuse Situation in Hong Kong in 2005" and "Inward Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services Statistics for Hong Kong" are included.

"Development of Trade in Services of Hong Kong"

     With the structural change in the Hong Kong economy, service industries of Hong Kong are increasing in significance.  Being an externally oriented and service-based economy, Hong Kong is an important centre not only for trade in goods, but also for trade in services.

     This feature article analyses the latest development and trend of trade in services of Hong Kong, particularly the exports of services relating to offshore trade.  It also introduces the shares of Hong Kong in trade in services of the world, and the enhancements made in Hong Kong regarding the compilation of related statistics in response to the global development in trade in services statistics.

     For enquiries about this feature article, please call Trade in Services Statistics Section, C&SD (Tel: 2802 1350).

"Drug Abuse Situation in Hong Kong in 2005"

     The Central Registry of Drug Abuse maintained by the Security Bureau collects and compiles relevant statistics on drug abuse to monitor characteristics and trends of the drug abuse situation in Hong Kong so as to facilitate planning and reviewing anti-drug strategies and programmes in Hong Kong.

     This feature article aims to give an overview of the drug abuse situation in 2005 and the major drug trends for the past 10 years between 1996 and 2005.  Features of the enhanced services provided by the computer system of the Registry after its latest redevelopment are also highlighted.

     For enquiries about this feature article, please call the Statistics Unit, Security Bureau (Tel: 2867 1071).

"Inward Foreign Affiliates Trade in Services Statistics for Hong Kong"

     With increasing globalisation of the world economy, it becomes popular for firms of an economy to deliver services to foreign customers through setting up affiliate companies abroad.

     In view of the growing needs for statistics relating to these foreign affiliates, the C&SD has recently developed an "inward foreign affiliate trade in services (inward FATS) statistics" framework for compiling statistics on the operating characteristics of foreign affiliates located in Hong Kong.  This feature article presents selected inward FATS statistics for Hong Kong in 2004.

     For enquiries about this feature article, please call Trade in Services Statistics Section, C&SD (Tel : 2802 1350).

     Published in bilingual form, the HKMDS is a compact volume of official statistics containing 140 tables.  It collects up-to-date statistical series on various aspects of the social and economic situation of Hong Kong.  Topics include population and vital events; labour; external trade; industrial production; land, housing, building and construction; transport, communications and tourism; public accounts, money and finance; prices; commerce; social conditions; energy; and national income and Balance of Payments.  For selected key statistical items, more than 20 charts depicting the annual trend in the past decade and quarterly or monthly trend in the recent two years are also available.

     Users can download this publication free of charge at the "Statistical Bookstore, Hong Kong" (www.statisticalbookstore.gov.hk) of the C&SD.

     Print version of this publication is available for sale at HK$80 per issue.  Purchase can be done in person at the Publications Unit of the C&SD (Address : 19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai; Tel. : 2582 3025) or through mail order by returning a completed order form which can be downloaded from the C&SD's website (www.censtatd.gov.hk/products_and_services/other_services/provision_of_stat/mail_ordering_of_publications/index.jsp).  Print version of this publication is also available for sale online at the Statistical Bookstore and the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (www.isd.gov.hk/eng/bookorder.htm).  Print versions if purchased online are offered a discount, at 85% of their original prices.

     Enquiries about the contents of the HKMDS can be directed to the General Statistics Section (1)B of the C&SD (Tel: 2582 4738).

Ends/Friday, October 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:00