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Speech by Director of Fire Services, Mr Kwok Jing-keung at the Prevention of Hillfire & Conservation of Countryside Campaign

    Following is the speech by the Director of Fire Services, Mr Kwok Jing-keung at the Prevention of Hillfire and Conservation of Countryside Campaign today (October 14):

The Honourable LAM Wai-keung, Daniel, SBS, JP, Chairman of Islands District Council, colleagues of government departments, residents of Discovery Bay, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good morning!

     The SAR Government has always attached great importance to protecting Hong Kong's natural environment. The Fire Services Department has been working closely with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government Flying Services and Civil Aid Service in giving support to this initiative. It goes beyond doubt that we have to do our job properly in fighting fires in order to protect our countryside. But the more important thing is that Hong Kong citizens should learn how to conserve nature and have an acute awareness of the importance of hill fire prevention.

     Publicizing the prevention of hill fires is one of our major tasks. We have been organizing annual Prevention of Hillfire Campaigns in New Territories in the past years, but we choose to hold this event at Discovery Bay on Lantau Island this year because we want to disseminate the message of prevention of hill fires and conservation of countryside to every corner of Hong Kong.  

     The Task Force on Hillfires, an interdepartmental committee set up in 1999 under the Security Bureau, has tried to enhance public awareness of the importance of prevention of hill fires through different kinds of activities. It has also been working closely with Heung Yee Kuk and District Fire Safety Committees in reminding people to take heed of fire hazards when paying respect to their ancestors at graveyards. Moreover, law enforcement is stepped up so that those who light a fire illegally and leave behind kindling in the countryside shall be prosecuted. With the cooperation of various departments and full public support, the number of major hill fires has dropped significantly in recent years, representing a remarkable achievement in our efforts.

     Apart from the publicity and education campaigns organized by different government departments, it is essential to have the ardent participation and support of HK citizens in order to achieve our aim, that is, to prevent hill fires and conserve the countryside. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to appeal to all picnic-goers and hikers. Be more alert when you use the facilities or conduct various kinds of outdoor activities in country parks. Barbecue should only be carried out at designated sites and make sure all kindling is extinguished before leaving. Furthermore, when visiting graveyards, people should put all burning paper offerings and joss sticks inside a metal container. Remember to handle kindling materials carefully because the protection of our green environment hinges on our concerted efforts. We should also spread this message to the people around us.

     I strongly believe that if we can all do a little bit more, the beautiful natural scenery of Hong Kong can be conserved and that our next generation will have the chance to keep enjoying the countryside and fresh air.

     Lastly, thank you for sparing time to join us today. I sincerely wish all of you and your family members good health and a nice time here.

     Thank You!

Ends/Saturday, October 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:14