World Standards Day 2006

    The Government would continue to promote the adoption of international standards, a spokesman for the Innovation and Technology Commission said today (October 13) on the eve of World Standards Day 2006.

     World Standards Day is celebrated every year on October 14 by major international standards organisations, including the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

     The theme of World Standards Day 2006 is ¡°Standards: big benefits for small business¡±. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) comprise more than 98% of business establishments in Hong Kong. The message from the Presidents and Secretary-Generals of the ISO, IEC and ITU that ¡°international standards can provide big benefits for small business¡±and¡°international standards provide practical solutions to many of the challenges faced by small business in today's globalising markets¡± would be useful and inspiring to the SMEs.

     "The Government encourages adoption of international standards and  keeping up-to-date with requirements of prevailing standards. International standards facilitate economic developments and technology dissemination, provide a stable platform for innovation and provide SMEs with an easy and affordable means to demonstrate their performance and competitive position,¡± the commission spokesman said.

     Relevant and prevailing international standards are incorporated into the Government's regulatory and procurement requirements where appropriate.

     "To keep abreast of the latest developments and to exchange information and views on international standardisation activities, the commission participates in major international and regional forums relating to standards and conformance issues including the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance, ISO and Pacific Area Standards Congress,¡± the spokesman said.

     To support local businesses in understanding and applying international standards, the commission¡¯s Product Standards Information Bureau encourages and nominates interested parties to participate in the international standards development work at ISO, offers a technical enquiry service, standards sales service and maintains a standards library. Further information is available at .

     ISO, IEC and ITU develop a diverse variety of international standards.  ISO develops standards for safety in construction and buildings, transportation, home and workplace as well as food and machinery safety.  IEC produces both product-specific and system standards in the areas of electricity, electronics and related technologies, while ITU is taking a leading role in promoting global cybersecurity and setting standards for the development of telecommunications networks and services.

Ends/Friday, October 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:03