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Appointments to the TICFMB

    The Government announced today (October 13) appointments to the Travel Industry Compensation Fund Management Board (TICFMB).

     Mr Ignatius Chan Tze-ching, JP and Mr Gordon Kwong Che-keung have been appointed respectively as Chairman and a member of the TICFMB for two years with effect from October 15, 2006.  They will fill the vacancies left by Dr Patrick Fung Yuk-bun and Mr Daniel Wan Yim-keung who will retire after serving on the board for six years.

     Mr Chan is the Citigroup Country Officer, Hong Kong and Head of Greater China Corporate and Investment Banking of the Citigroup.  Mr Kwong is a retired accountant.

     "We are grateful to the retiring chairman, Dr Fung, for his able leadership and prudence for the TICFMB in the past six years.  We are also grateful to the valuable service rendered by Mr Wan to the board over the years.  Their professional and impartial advice fostered constructive discussions and smooth operation of the TICFMB," a government spokesman said.

     "We thank Mr Chan and Mr Kwong for agreeing to serve the TICFMB.  We are confident that under Mr Chan's leadership, the TICFMB will continue to discharge effectively its statutory duties in protecting outbound travellers," the spokesman said.

     The TICFMB is a statutory body established under the Travel Agents Ordinance.  It holds, manages and applies the Travel Industry Compensation Fund which provides ex gratia payment to outbound group/package travellers who suffer loss in the event of default of travel agents and those who sustain injuries/death in accidents whilst travelling abroad.

Ends/Friday, October 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:53