Meeting with Legco member Leung Yiu Chung and Light Goods Vehicle trade representatives

    The Transport Department (TD), together with the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau and Police, met Legco member Mr Leung Yiu-chung, and the light goods vehicle (LGV) trade representatives today (October 6) to discuss the operational issues concerning the LGVs.

     The TD representatives mentioned at the meeting that they had met the LGV and taxi trades on September 21, and explained to them the latest proposal and implementation arrangements for the provision of a designated loading/unloading area for LGVs at the airport.  

     The Administration appreciated that individual trade representatives held different views on the proposal. However, the provision of the loading/unloading area for LGVs would help the regulation of the operation of LGVs at the airport with a view to maintaining smooth traffic there. The measure would also enhance deployment of resources by the Police to curb the illegal transport activities in a more effective way. In view of the merits, the proposal will be implemented as soon as possible.

     In addition, the Police would continue to take enforcement action against all illegal transport activities (including the LGV activities involving carriage of passengers for hire and reward). Police would not pinpoint any individual transport trade.

Ends/Friday, October 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:43