Media enquiries on threatening letters

In response to media enquiries on a criminal intimidation case in which some threatening letters were sent from Hong Kong to senior Government Officials of Japan, a Police spokesman confirmed today (July 15) that the Japanese Consulate in Hong Kong had received a similar threatening letter on July 12.

"The Organised Crime and Triad Bureau took over the case for enquiries and arrested a 24-year man in the New Territories for the offence of criminal intimidation in the evening on July 12," the Police spokesman said.

The suspect, a Hong Kong resident, has been released on Police bail and investigation so far does not indicate that he is connected to any political organization.

The case revealed that the police in Japan received reports that Mr Taro Aso, the Foreign Minister of Japan and Mr Shinzo Abe, the Chief Cabinet Minister of Japan had received threatening letters packed with the blade of a paper cutter on June 9 and July 7 respectively.

It was established that the letters had been mailed from Hong Kong.

Apart from the Japanese Consulate in Hong Kong, it is believed that the suspect has also sent a number of similar letters to government departments in Japan.

Hong Kong Police is now liaising with the police in Japan for the collection of evidence regarding these cases and enquiries is proceeding.

Police Report No. 5

Ends/Saturday, July 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:51