2006 Population By-census begins tomorrow

    The 2006 Population By-census, to be conducted by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), will start tomorrow (July 15) and run until August 1.

     About one-tenth of Hong Kong's living quarters have been selected via a random sampling scheme to participate in the counting exercise. All members of selected households will be asked for their particulars, including year and month of birth, marital status, educational attainment and employment details.    

     A spokesman for the C&SD said individual letters had been sent to selected households informing them of the by-census and the name of the census officer that would visit them.  

    "Census officers will wear a light green T-shirt, carry a red satchel with the by-census logo and identify themselves with a Census Officer's Certificate of Identity issued by the Census and Statistics Department. Households may call the by-census enquiry centre on 3582 3800 to verify the census officer's identity if necessary," the spokesman said.

     During the 18-day by-census period, census officers will visit the selected households from 1pm to 10pm from Monday to Saturday and 10am to 10pm on Sunday.

     The census officers will make several visits at different times of day and on different days in order to contact the households. Therefore, there is no need for members of the public to change their regular schedules and wait at home. The census officers will leave appointment cards if they are unable to reach the households.

     Households that wish to make an appointment for the census officer's visit may do so by using the Appointment Request Service on the Internet (http://www.bycensus2006.gov.hk/ars), by calling the telephone number on the appointment cards, or by calling the by-census enquiry centre on 3582 3800 from 9am to 11pm.

     Under the Census and Statistics Ordinance, all people selected to provide information are obliged to do so.

     The information collected in the by-census is vital to government planning and policy formulation, particularly in areas such as education, housing, transport, medical and social services.  

     The data are also important to the private sector in formulating business strategies and to researchers in conducting social and economic studies.

     Data regarding individuals and households will be kept strictly confidential and will not be released to any other parties, not even Government departments. All questionnaires will be destroyed within a year after the by-census is completed.

     Members of the public can visit the 2006 Population By-census website http://www.bycensus2006.gov.hk for more information.

Ends/Friday, July 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:00