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Transcript of SETW's media session

Following is a transcript (English portion) of the media session by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, today (July 12) on the Government's assessment of the investigation report by the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation on the East Rail underframe equipment mounting problem and the findings by the Review Panel on the Reporting of East Rail Incidents:

Reporter: What do you think about the report?...the responsibility of the incident?

Dr Liao: We have stated that four of the main persons that were involved at the time have the responsibility to do better, and this has to be reviewed by the company itself. The company will act from this report.

Reporter: Do you know how many people should be...?

Dr Liao: This is not a direct government office, so this is up to the KCRC.
Reporter: What do you think about the report?

Dr Liao: As I have just said, I agree with the report findings and certainly there is room for improvement and we will follow up the report's recommendations on the institutional changes.

Reporter: Do you have any strategy to improve internal communication within KCRC especially when the merger is coming up?

Dr Liao: Actually, this is one of the considerations in the merging process that the two companies have to improve communication with each other and also internally. This is certainly one of the main points that we are looking into. But I can't explain it in one or two words now on the strategy.

Reporter: KCRC's board member restore the confidence...?          

Dr Liao: I think in the past six months, the team at KCRC has exhibited very impressive professionalism in keeping the trains going regularly and safely throughout this time. They have put in a lot of effort. I think from that point of view, they have maintained performance record that is absolutely up to standard. I think that has restored a lot of public confidence.

Reporter: As a member of the KCRC board, do you think you should hold the responsibility?

Dr Liao: I suppose as members of the board, we always have to be responsible for whatever the company does. It is at which level that we pitch in.
 (Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:42