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LCQ19: Active actions taken to address obstruction of public places by vehicles

    Following is a question by the Hon Li Kwok-ying, and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     At present, large quantities of goods are transported each day by their owners to the open spaces beside Sheung Shui and Fanling railway stations, where they are collected by consignees and then transported in batches to the Mainland by the East Rail.  These goods not only obstruct the access to and from the railway stations, but also create environmental hygiene problems.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the actions which have been and will be taken by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Transport Department and the Police to reduce the inconvenience caused by the above activities to train passengers;

(b)  whether it has considered providing sites near these railway stations for the temporary storage and transfer of such goods; if so, of the places which have been considered; if not, the reasons for that; and

(c)  whether it has considered allowing the consignees to enter and leave the frontier closed area so that they can rent buildings within such area as storage spaces and workshops; if so, of the details of the consideration; if not, the reasons for that?


Madam President,

(a)  The relevant government departments have taken necessary actions to reduce the inconvenience caused by the activities concerned to train passengers.  The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has closely monitored the environmental hygiene issues caused, and conducted special operations from time to time at the above mentioned spots to deal with articles obstructing street cleaning work.  From January to June 2006, FEHD conducted a total of six operations, issued a total of 77 "notices to remove obstruction", and removed and confiscated more than 80 articles that were not removed by their owners within specified timeframe.  In addition, FEHD arranges for daily street cleaning and regular cleansing at the above mentioned spots.  If necessary, FEHD will strengthen the cleansing services.

     As for the Transport Department, it has implemented a number of traffic management measures on Fanling Station Road outside the Fanling Railway Station and on Choi Yuen Road outside the Sheung Shui Railway Station to alleviate the impact on traffic from frequent loading and unloading activities.  Such measures include the designation of prohibition on entry or restrictions on stopping as well as the addition of road traffic signs and road markings at loading bays.  The Police will take law enforcement actions against offending vehicles.

     The Police have actively dealt with the problem of obstruction of public places by vehicles near the Sheung Shui and Fanling Railway Stations, and have issued verbal warnings to persons who cause obstruction when loading and unloading goods.  From January to June 2006, the Police issued a total of 160 verbal warnings to persons loading and unloading goods outside the two railway stations.  The Police will continue to closely monitor the situation and step up enforcement actions where necessary.

(b)  If any person or organisation wishes to be the lessee and a suitable site is available, the Administration may consider the relevant proposal.  At the district level, there was a proposal that the carpark near the Sheung Shui Railway Station be used for the purpose.  However, this site could not be considered as it would be affected by the construction works of the Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur Line.

(c)  The Police will issue Closed Area Permits to persons who have a genuine need to enter the Frontier Closed Area (FCA).  In general, persons who reside or work in the FCA are considered as having such a need.  Whether persons concerned can rent buildings within the FCA for use as storage spaces and workshops at present will be subject to the conditions of the relevant land leases.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:50