LCQ13: Training visas and employment visas for overseas nationals

    Following is a question by the Hon Tam Heung-man, and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     I have learnt that currently the Immigration Department (ImmD) will process applications for employment visas from overseas nationals only after six months from the expiry of their training visas.  As a result, they have to return to their places of origin first and come to Hong Kong again after the employment visas have been issued.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the reasons for ImmD's adopting the above practice;

(b) of the number of overseas nationals who entered Hong Kong on training visas, as well as the respective numbers of applications for employment visas from such persons and such visas issued to them in each of the past three years; and

(c) whether the authorities will consider streamlining the procedure for overseas nationals' applications for employment visas; if they will, of the details of the consideration; if not, the reasons for that?


Madam President,

(a) Under the prevailing entry policy, people from overseas who meet the relevant criteria may be issued with training visas (valid for a stay of not exceeding 12 months) enabling them to come to Hong Kong to acquire skills and knowledge not available in their home countries/regions.  In general, persons who are permitted to come to Hong Kong for training and who do not have other permits from the Immigration Department (ImmD) are required to return to their place of origin at the end of their training.  If they wish to work in Hong Kong upon completion of their training, they must separately apply from ImmD.  ImmD will process their applications in accordance with the prevailing "General Employment Policy".  The applicants are not necessarily required to return to the place of origin before they are granted permission to work in Hong Kong.  Neither is there a requirement imposed by ImmD that their applications for employment visa will only be processed six months after the expiry of their training visas.

(b) The numbers of training visa applications received and approved in relation to persons from overseas in the past three years are as follows:

                2003    2004    2005       2006
                                        (Jan - Jun)
                ----    ----    ----    -----------
Applications     883   1,664    2,202      1,427

Applications     937   1,529    2,010      1,343

     However, ImmD does not maintain figures of overseas persons issued with training visas who have actually come to Hong Kong.  Nor does it maintain the application and approval figures of such overseas persons who apply for employment visas after having completed training in Hong Kong.

(c) According to the existing arrangement, overseas persons may submit their employment visa applications to the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular mission in their place of residence or directly submit their applications to ImmD or through their sponsors in Hong Kong.  Under the prevailing entry policy, persons who wish to enter Hong Kong for employment must have a good education background (normally a first degree in the relevant field), possesses good technical qualifications, professional knowledge or experience and have been offered market level remuneration in a confirmed job offer which cannot be readily filled locally; or the applicants are in a position to make substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong.  The processing time of an application is about four weeks upon receipt of all required documents.  ImmD will take into account the circumstances of individual applications and expedite processing where warranted.  ImmD considers that the current procedures in handling employment visa applications are fairly simple and convenient, and that there is no need to further streamline the procedures for the time being.  However, ImmD will review the procedures from time to time to study whether there is a need to further enhance the efficiency and the quality of service.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:33