LCQ10: Vegetables supplied to Hong Kong from Mainland

    Following is a question by the Hon Fred Li and a written reply by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     Regarding vegetables supplied to Hong Kong from the Mainland, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  whether it is aware that some traders have sourced vegetables directly from various markets in the Pearl River Delta Region for sale in Hong Kong, instead of from registered Mainland farms that supply vegetables to Hong Kong;

(b)  as the vegetables concerned may be transported to Hong Kong in sealed trucks, and the traders may declare to the Customs and Excise Department that they are vegetables for "export", whether it has estimated the daily quantity of vegetables imported to Hong Kong by such means;

(c)  whether random inspections have been conducted on these vegetables; if so, of the number of samples taken in each of the past three years;

(d)  whether actions have been taken against traders selling vegetables so imported; if so, of the number of actions taken and prosecutions instituted in each of the past three years, as well as the penalties imposed in the conviction cases; and

(e)  as the vegetables mentioned above may have escaped the inspection and testing by the Government, how it can ensure that such vegetables comply with food hygiene standards in Hong Kong?


Madam President:

(a)  During the checking of vehicles transporting vegetables from the Mainland at entry point, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has discovered vegetables originating from non-registered Mainland vegetable farms or collection stations.

(b, c, d) A great majority of vegetables imported on land route are transported with non-sealed trucks via Man Kam To control point. Sometimes there are vegetables transported with sealed trucks equipped with refrigerating device. However, all of them are processed vegetables, such as washed, sliced or cut.

     All cargos entering into Hong Kong from the Mainland via land route must undergo importation procedures according to the law. There is no alternative treatment for cargos to be "re-exported". According to records, the Customs and Exercise Department (C&ED) has not discovered any traders transporting vegetables via land route with sealed trucks into Hong Kong who claimed that the vegetables were for "export" on the manifest. Therefore, we think that no vegetables are imported into Hong Kong with this method. Besides, we do not have any record of such vegetables which were declared to be for export but were sold in Hong Kong in fact.

     Although no case of using sealed trucks to transport vegetables into Hong Kong but claimed to be for export has been discovered, according to information from the C&ED, there are traders using sealed trucks to transport vegetables without making correct declaration on the manifest. In 2005, the C&ED did not discover any cases of transporting vegetables with sealed trucks without correct declaration on the manifest. From January to June 2006, two such cases were discovered, involving 5040 kg of vegetables.

     Staff of C&ED in Man Kam To Control Point has always maintained close cooperation with FEHD and conduct joint operation from time to time. When imported vegetables suspected to have problems are discovered, the vegetables will immediately be handed over to FEHD to follow up. Since January 2005, the authority has detained 24 trucks containing vegetables with problems and destroyed 10 tonnes of such vegetables.

(e)  Currently, all incoming trucks transporting vegetables from the Mainland must be equipped with certifications issued by relevant Mainland import and export inspection and quarantine authority to certify that the vegetables contained in the truck are originated from registered farms or collection stations in the Mainland.

     At Man Kam To import control point, the FEHD checks the certification issued by the relevant import and export inspection and quarantine authority in the Mainland. Upon checking, if the vegetables are discovered to be originated from non-registered vegetable farms or collection stations, the vegetables will be detained by FEHD until their pesticide residue test results are satisfactory. Besides, we also cooperate with the Mainland to fight against traders importing vegetables from non-registered farms. Whenever FEHD discover any trucks transporting such kind of vegetables, FEHD will record the data of these trucks and transfer such information for the Mainland authorities to follow up.

     The FEHD will continue to take samples of vegetables of pesticide residue testing at import, wholesale and retail levels, in order to ensure that the vegetables sold in the market are safe and suitable for human consumption.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:35