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LCQ8: Number of rent assistance recipients and applications

    Following is a question by the Hon Chan Yuen-han and a written reply by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen in the Legislative Council today (July 12):


     Will the Government inform this Council of:

(a)  the current number of tenants receiving rent assistance, broken down by the rate of rent reduction granted; and

(b)  the current number of applications for rent assistance being processed in each public housing estate?


Madam President,

     As at June 28, 2006, 13 991 public housing tenants were receiving Rent Assistance provided by the Housing Authority.  Of them, 13 557 tenants (about 97%) were given 50% rent reduction and 434 (about 3%) were given 25%.  In addition, 472 applications for Rent Assistance are being processed by the Housing Department.  Breakdown of these figures by estate is at Annex.

Ends/Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:10