Government steps up measures to enhance the drug handling capability of residential care homes for the elderly

    The Social Welfare Department (SWD) and the Elderly Health Services of the Department of Health (DH) will step up measures to raise the awareness of residential care homes for the elderly (RCHEs) in drug safety, and their capability in handling drugs, with a view to minimising the risk of improper handling of drugs in RCHEs.

     Speaking at the press briefing today (July 7), Assistant Director (Elderly) of SWD, Mrs Kathy Ng, said SWD and DH's Elderly Health Services would work together to further systematise the drug distribution process in RCHEs, and enhance the drug handling know-how and skills of RCHE staff.  These measures include:

     Designing a drug management system that suits the local environment of RCHEs, including a detailed manual;

     Improving guidelines on drug storage and facilities in RCHEs;

     Re-valuating the drug management standard in RCHEs through various channels, with a view to identifying the weaker links in the existing drug handling process and assisting RCHEs in strengthening those areas; and

     Providing more on-site and other forms of training on drug handling to RCHE staff, making reference to their existing problems.

     In addition, SWD and the Toxicology Reference Laboratory (the Laboratory) of the Hospital Authority have set up a referral system.  When the Laboratory is aware of suspected cases involving RCHE elderly taking hypoglycemic medication by mistake, it will inform SWD at the earliest possible moment so that the latter may conduct investigations and follow-up actions promptly.

     "The Government is concerned about the drug handling capability of RCHEs and the incidents of improper handling of drugs.  The Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance and/or Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Regulation stipulate that RCHEs must properly label, store and handle drugs.  SWD and DH require RCHEs to adopt a system of 'three-checking and five-verification' for preventing errors in distributing drugs.  The new measures will further enhance the drug handling capability of RCHEs", Mrs Ng said.

     "Currently, some RCHEs are cooperating with individual pharmacist associations to enhance their drug handling capability.  We encourage co-operation of this nature,", Assistant Director (Family and Elderly Health Services) of DH, Dr Chan Wai-man said.

     SWD will conduct investigations on RCHEs which are in breach of the licensing requirements and complaint cases.  Where irregularities are found, SWD will require the RCHEs concerned to take immediate remedial measures to rectify the situation, and may take punitive measures in accordance with the law and the principles of fairness.    

     Since December 15, 2005, SWD implemented a new arrangement to publicise on its website information of RCHEs convicted under the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance and/or Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Regulation on or after that date.  SWD has recently publicised the information of two convicted RCHEs.

     SWD will continue to ensure that RCHEs meet the licensing requirements through the licensing regime and enforcement, as well as training and education in collaboration with other relevant departments.  The public is welcome to forward their views/complaints on RCHEs to the hotlines of SWD¡¯s Licensing Office of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly at 2961 7211 or 2834 7414.

Ends/Friday, July 7, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:20