LC: Speech by S for S in moving the resolution on the amendment to the Security and Guarding Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2006

    Following is the speech by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in moving the resolution on the amendment to the Security and Guarding Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2006 in the Legislative Council today (July 5):

Madam President,

     I move that the resolution contained in the Agenda be passed.  The purpose of the resolution is to amend the Security and Guarding Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation (Amendment Regulation) laid on the table of the Legislative Council at the meeting of May 24, 2006.

     It is Government policy that fees charged by the Government should in general be set at levels adequate to recover the full cost of providing the goods or services.  Costing reviews are conducted periodically in line with this policy.  An updated costing review of the various security personnel permits and security company licences stipulated under the Security and Guarding Services (Fees) Regulation was completed in 2005, which has shown that the cost for the issue and renewal of permits is higher than the present fees, and the cost for the issue, renewal and replacement of various licences is lower than the present fees.  The existing fees should therefore be revised upward or downward accordingly in accordance with the policy of full-cost recovery.  The proposal to increase the security personnel permit issue and renewal fees from $110 to $120 is essentially attributable to increased staff cost incurred by the Police in conducting more supervisory and random checks as recommended by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.  As a permit is normally valid for five years, the proposed fee revision would only mean an increase of $2 per year.

     At the meeting of the Subcommittee to study the Amendment Regulation, Members have put forward their views on the objection to upward adjusting the permit issue and renewal fees.  After careful consideration of Members' concern, we have agreed to not proceed with the proposed fee increase at this stage.  I move that the resolution be passed to delete provisions concerning the increase in permit issue and renewal fees.

     Thank you, Madam President.

Ends/Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:15