CSD response to media enquiries

    In response to media enquiries on an article in a newspaper today (July 4) concerning the promotion of Correctional Services Department (CSD) officers, a spokesman from the department has made the following statement:

     "CSD handles promotion matters according to Civil Service Regulations, and under the scrutiny of the Public Service Commission as appropriate," the spokesman said.

     Officers are selected for promotion on the criteria of character, ability, experience and any qualifications prescribed for the higher rank. An officer recommended for promotion should have at least 12 months' active service to serve after the effective date of promotion.

     "Suitable candidates are chosen for various posts in our department according to well-established promotion procedures," the spokesman said. "We continue to foster the ability of staff personnel for their preparation of taking up higher ranks in the future. For example, we provide leadership and strategic management training for 355 mid-career officers in phases, and team up with Civil Service Training and Development Institute and tertiary institutions to offer practical and specialised training for various ranks. In addition, staff members with potential are selected for overseas inspection visits, international seminars and training programmes."

     As a result of having sufficient staff personnel to take up positions at all ranks, and among them there are candidates with potential for higher posts, the CSD does not have any problem with staff replacement as alleged in the report.

Ends/Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:00