CS speaks at Legal Aid Services Council 10th Anniversary Reception (English only)

Following is the speech (English only) by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Rafael Hui, at the 10th Anniversary Reception of the Legal Aid Services Council this (July 3) evening:

Chairman, Chief Justice and members of the Legal Aid Services Council, ladies and gentlemen,

     It is my pleasure to join you here today, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Legal Aid Services Council. First of all, let me take this opportunity to pay tribute to the Chairman and all current and former Council members for their contributions and dedication in the past years.
     The Council was established under the Legal Aid Services Council Ordinance in September 1996, to oversee the legal aid schemes operated by the Legal Aid Department and to advise the Government on legal aid policy. The establishment of the Council was a major milestone in the development of legal aid in Hong Kong, enhancing the independence of our legal aid administration, and leading to more public participation in the formulation of legal aid policies.

     The Council has been very active over the years, and it would not be possible for me to rehearse all these important achievements. To mention but a few, the Council has provided the Government with invaluable advice on the two major legal aid policy reviews in 1997 and 2003, the regular reviews on the financial eligibility limits for legal aid applicants, the Legal Aid Department¡¯s pilot scheme on legal aid for mediation in matrimonial cases, and the ongoing review on criminal legal aid fees.

     And most important, the Council has helped to raise public awareness and understanding of legal aid, particularly through engagement with interest groups and non-government organisations.

     On this occasion marking the tenth anniversary of the Council, I must pay special tribute to the Chairman, Mr J P Lee, for his leadership in the birth of the Council and nurturing it for the past 10 years. I am confident that the Council will continue to be the Government¡¯s partner in overseeing the operation and advising on the further development of the legal aid system of Hong Kong.

     I wish the Council every success in the years to come.  Thank you.

Ends/Monday, July 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:13