LegCo to debate women in poverty

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council will hold a meeting this Wednesday (July 5) at 11am in the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building. During the meeting, Members will debate a motion on women in poverty.
     The motion, to be proposed by Hon Frederick Fung, says, "That this Council endorses the Report on Women in Poverty by the Subcommittee to Study the Subject of Combating Poverty and urges the Government to implement the recommendations therein."

     Members will also debate a motion on fully conserving the "Government Hill". The motion, to be moved by Hon Fred Li, states, "That, as the Government Secretariat on Lower Albert Road in Central District blends in with the surrounding cultural heritage and green areas to form a comprehensive "Government Hill" planning zone, and the open area outside the Main Wing of the Government Secretariat has also witnessed the development of social campaigns in Hong Kong, captured the collective memory of Hong Kong's civil society and bears great significance to Hong Kong in terms of history, architecture and the public's sentiments, this Council urges the Government to:

(a)  conserve the existing Government Secretariat compound and undertake not to develop the compound for commercial use, so as to preserve the original environment and ambience of the "Government Hill" and its environs;

(b)  in keeping with the principle of heritage conservation, fully consult the public on the future use of the existing Government Secretariat;
(c)  conserve the trees and plants in the "Government Hill" and its vicinity so that the area will remain a city lung in Central District; and

(d)  conduct a study on converting some of the offices in the existing Government Secretariat into a government museum, to give effect to the function of conserving our heritage."

     Hon Cheung Hok-ming and Hon Alan Leong Kah-kit will move separate amendments to Hon Fred Li's motion.

     Meanwhile, Members will hold an adjournment debate. The motion, to be moved by Dr Hon Kwok Ka-ki, states, "That this Council do now adjourn for the purpose of debating the following issue: Preventive and control measures adopted and emergency assistance provided to the trades by the Administration with regard to the repeated occurrence of human infection of avian influenza in the Mainland."

     In the meantime, Hon Mrs Sophie Leung will move a resolution under the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to amend the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council.

     On government motions, the Secretary for Security will move a resolution under the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance to amend the Security and Guarding Services (Fees) (Amendment) Regulation 2006, which was laid on the table of the Legislative Council on May 24, 2006.

     On bills, the Rail Merger Bill and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Amendment) Bill 2006 will be introduced into the Council for First and Second Readings. Debates on the Bills will be adjourned.

     Meanwhile, Hon Lau Chin-shek, Chairman of the Panel on Manpower; Hon Tommy Cheung, Chairman of the Panel on Home Affairs; Hon James To, Chairman of the Panel on Security; and Hon Fred Li, Chairman of the Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene, will present the 2005/2006 Reports of the related Panels and address the Council respectively.

     Hon Tommy Cheung will present the Annual Report 2005 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption Complaints Committee and address the Council; Hon Sin Chung-kai will present the Annual Report 2005 of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and address the Council; and Hon Alan Leong Kah-kit will present the Report of the Independent Police Complaints Council 2005 and address the Council.

     During the meeting, Members will also ask the Administration 20 questions on various policy areas, six of which require oral replies.

     The agenda of the above meeting can be obtained via the Legislative Council InfoFax Service (Tel: 2869 9568) or the Legislative Council web site (http://www.legco.gov.hk).

     Members of the public are welcome to observe the proceedings of the meeting from the public galleries of the Legislative Council Chamber. They may reserve seats by calling 2869 9399 during office hours. Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Ends/Monday, July 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:35