Sports bodies updated on corruption prevention

    More than 100 representatives of local National Sports Associations and sports organisations today (June 23) attended a seminar co-organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) and the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for an update on ways to prevent corruption in conducting their business as organisers and administrators of sports activities.

     At the seminar entitled "Striving for Good Corporate Governance", Senior Assignment Officer of the ICAC Mr Gilman Leung reminded the sports bodies to formulate codes of conduct on the acceptance of advantages, conflict of interests and use of resources, as well as to lay down proper procurement and payment procedures.

     Hong Kong's sports bodies have been receiving Government funding through the LCSD's one-stop service since April, 2004, following the abolition of the Hong Kong Sports Development Board.

     In 2005-06, the LCSD provided $139.3 million in subvention to 85 sports bodies.

     Deputy Director of Leisure and Cultural Services (Leisure Services), Mr Alan Siu, noted in the opening remarks that Hong Kong's sports development would enter a new phase with the hosting of the 2008 Olympic equestrian events and the 2009 East Asian Games.

     "As users of public funds, sports bodies must not only discharge their obligations under the Subvention Agreement but also conduct their business in a transparent, fair and open manner," Mr Siu said.

     "I hope today's seminar will help the executive members and employees of all sports bodies to manage government subventions effectively and prudently and to formulate systematic and transparent procurement procedures in order to foster effective corporate management and maintain integrity and good conduct."

     Also officiating at the seminar at the Olympic House, So Kon Po, were the Acting Assistant Director of the ICAC, Mr Dominic Wong and Group Head of the Corruption Prevention Department of the ICAC, Mr HC Ng.

Ends/Friday, June 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:59