Appointment to Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission

    The Government announced today (June 23) the appointment of the following people to the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission with effect from July 1, 2006, for a term of two years ending June 30, 2008:

* The Honourable Mr Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li
* The Honourable Mr Justice Louis Tong Po-sun
* Dr Edgar Cheng Wai-kin

     The following is a brief biography of the appointees -

     The Honourable Mr Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li is the Chief Judge of the High Court and is the ex-officio Chairman of the High Court Rules Committee, District Court Rules Committee and the Criminal Procedure Rules Committee.

     The Honourable Mr Justice Louis Tong Po-sun is a judge of the Court of First Instance of the High Court. He is the Chairman of the Release under Supervision Board and the Deputy President of the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board.

     Dr Edgar Cheng Wai-kin is the Chairman of the Council of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Vice-chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development and a member of the Commission on Strategic Development.

     The function of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission is to advise or make recommendations to the Chief Executive regarding the filling of vacancies in judicial offices, such representations from a judicial officer concerning conditions of service as may be referred to it by the Chief Executive and any matter affecting judicial officers which may be prescribed or which the Chief Executive may refer to it.

     Other Members of the Judicial Officers Recommendation Commission are the Chief Justice (ex-officio Chairman), the Secretary for Justice (ex-officio member), Mr Ambrose Ho, Mr Michael Lintern-Smith, Dr Rosanna Wong Yick-ming and Professor Tsui Lap-chee.

Ends/Friday, June 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:36