Women's Commission Conference 'Together We Build a Harmonious Community'(with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Women's Commission:

     The Women's Commission (WoC) held a conference entitled "Together We Build a Harmonious Community" today (June 19). Over 400 people from Hong Kong and from the Mainland who are concerned about women's issues attended the conference.

     Officiating at the opening of the conference this morning were the Chief Executive Mr Donald Tsang; Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, and President of the All-China Women's Federation, Madam Gu Xiulian; Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR, Mr Li Guikang; the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow; Chairperson of the Women's Commission, Ms Sophia Kao; and Member of the Women's Commission cum Convenor of the Women's Commission Conference Taskforce, Ms Ophelia Cheung.

     Speaking at the opening ceremony, WoC Chairperson Ms Sophia Kao said that this was the sixth year since the establishment of the Women's Commission. The conference aimed to review the commission's work in the first five years, and to provide an opportunity for people from all sectors who are concerned about women's issues to discuss issues related to the well-being of women and to explore the future direction and strategies to promote gender equality and the status of women.  

     Ms Kao added, "I believe that the wide perspectives and experiences of the participants would inspire and facilitate us and all practitioners in women's matters to develop the next step and work plans along the direction of 'Together We Build a Harmonious Community'.  This will ensure that efforts in promoting women's well-being and gender equality would be in line with the needs and expectations of the society."

     There are two plenary sessions. During the first one, Member of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, Ms Zhang Shiping; and Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Ms Sandra Lee, introduced the international, Mainland and local experience in promoting gender mainstreaming and women's participation in decision-making. In the second session, representatives from the Government, business community and the civil society shared their experiences in promoting social partnerships and empowerment.

     Furthermore, participants also had lively discussions on the various topics including gender mainstreaming, women's participation in decision-making, nurturing caring family, strategy to arouse gender awareness, capacity building, economic participation, women's safety, and women and health during the breakout sessions. A mini-exhibition was also set up alongside the conference to showcase the achievements and outstanding projects related to the development of women by social service agencies and women's groups. Representatives of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants were there during the coffee breaks to promote training on financial management for women and women's organisations.

     The Women's Commission Conference on "Together We Build a Harmonious Community" lasted for two days. Pre-conference events were held yesterday on Fathers' Day including a film, "Women with Dreams" and post-film show discussion, and a sharing session on men's participation in families. Many people attended these events and shared their views enthusiastically.

Ends/Monday, June 19, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:15