Tsuen Wan District Office to hold free video shows on building management

    To promote effective building management, the Building Management Resource Centre (New Territories West) of Tsuen Wan District Office will run a series of free video shows in June.

     Members of the public, especially owners and tenants of private buildings, office-bearers of owners' corporations and mutual aid committees, and building management company personnel, are invited to view the videos at the BMRC (NTW), 1/F, Tsuen Wan Station, Multi-Storey Carpark Building, 174-208 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan.

     Details of the shows (in Cantonese) are as follows:

Title: "Arbitration - A Wise Choice";
       "Knowing about Privacy Rights";
       "Slope Maintenance";
       "Slope Safety and Greening"

Date: June 23 (Friday)

Show time: 7.30pm-8.30pm

Title: "Setting up of Owners' Corporations"
       "Role of Owners' Corporations"
       "Recovery of Management Fees and Charges"

Date: June 30 (Friday)

Show time: 7.30pm-8.30pm

     For enquiries, please call 3515 5806, or email: bmrc_ntw@had.gov.hk.

Ends/Thursday, June 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:35