Government steps up measures to guard against avian influenza

  A spokesman for the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau said today (June 14) that in light of the suspected human case of avian influenza H5 in Shenzhen, the Government had communicated with Mainland authorities and formulated precautionary measures on the supply of live poultry and birds to Hong Kong. The measures would be taken once the case was confirmed.

  The spokesman said Mainland authorities had informed the bureau that there were no avian influenza outbreaks in the registered farms for supply to Hong Kong nor at the non-exporting farms in Guangdong province and Shenzhen.

  "But to prevent stockpiling of live poultry in local markets due to poor sales turnover, Hong Kong has decided that once the case was confirmed by the Ministry of Health, the supply of live poultry, day-old chicks and pet birds from Guangdong province will be suspended for 21 days with effect from the following day upon the receipt of confirmation. The arrangement will give the relevant authorities time to conduct a full investigation.

  "Hong Kong would resume the import of live poultry if no more human cases were found and no H5 avian influenza outbreaks had occurred in chicken farms in Guangdong and Shenzhen", he said.

  The spokesman said the arrangement was in line with the earlier measures that were taken when a human avian influenza case was found in Guangzhou. He added that the aim of implementing these measures was to protect public health and maintain people's confidence in consuming live poultry.

  He pointed out that Mainland poultry and poultry products for supply to Hong Kong have passed through stringent inspection and quarantine procedures and so far no problem has been found in such products. The suspension of supply of live chickens, day-old chicks and pet birds to Hong Kong was merely a preventive measure.

  Meanwhile, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department would step up inspection and monitoring of the hygienic conditions of the local poultry farms, wholesale and retail markets. The Customs and Excise Department would step up surveillance to crack down on smuggling of live birds and poultry.

  In addition, the Department of Health would adopt the following measures:

* Continue to maintain temperature screening for inbound travellers, enhance health education for travellers and distribute leaflets and broadcast health messages at all immigration control points;

* Inform the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong about the case and provide health advice updates to the organisation;

* Update all doctors of the current situation and remind them to report suspected avian influenza cases;

* Collaborate with public and private hospitals to further enhance surveillance for suspected avian influenza cases.

  On personal hygiene, members of the public should avoid direct contact with poultry and wild birds or their droppings; if contacts have been made, they should wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Poultry and eggs should be thoroughly cooked before eating.  

  Travellers returning from endemic areas of avian influenza should consult doctors promptly if they have symptoms of influenza after the trip. They should inform the doctors of their travel history and wear a mask to prevent the spread of the disease.

  People should observe good personal and environmental hygiene at all times; keep hands clean, wash hands frequently with liquid soap, especially before eating and touching nose, mouth and eyes; cover their mouth and nose with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing; dispose of soiled tissues properly (into a bin with lid) and wash hands thoroughly.

Ends/Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:16