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Suspected food poisoning case under investigation

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health is investigating a case of suspected food poisoning involving at least 13 people.

     Those affected, comprising four men and nine women aged between 20 and 31, were members of a tour to Saba, Malaysia from May 31 to June 4.  

     It was reported that they had developed diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fever and vomiting since June 3.

     Eight of them sought medical treatment from private doctors (two in Saba and six in Hong Kong) and no hospitalisation was required.
Initial investigations suggested that virus or bacteria were likely to be the causative agent of the outbreak.

     CHP has contacted the travel agency concerned and other tour members to give health education.  CHP also notified the relevant health authority about the case.  Stool specimens of the patients will be taken for laboratory tests.

     People are reminded to observe good personal, food and environmental hygiene at all times to prevent food-borne diseases. When dining out, they should take heed of the following advice:

* Only patronise reputable and licensed restaurants;
* Do not patronise illegal food hawkers;
* Cook food thoroughly;
* Avoid eating raw seafood;
* Be a discerning consumer in choosing cold dishes, including sashimi and raw oysters in a buffet;
* Drink boiled water;
* Use two sets of chopsticks and eating utensils to handle raw and cooked food;
* Do not try to use salt, vinegar, wine and wasabi to kill bacteria as they are not effective;
* Always wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet.

Ends/Thursday, June 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 18:13