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LCQ8: Frontier Closed Area review

    Following is a question by the Hon Daniel Lam and a written reply by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, in the Legislative Council today (June 7):


     In his policy address delivered in October last year, the Chief Executive announced that the authorities had decided to reduce the coverage of the Frontier Closed Area ("FCA"), redraw its limits and put the land thus released to proper use.  The results of an opinion poll which I carried out last month indicate that the residents in FCA hold divergent views on the opening up of FCA and they are also not clear about the details of the Government's proposal.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the timing for announcing the concrete proposal and the implementation timetable;

(b) how the Government will consult the residents in FCA on the proposal, and whether the Heung Yee Kuk, individual Rural Committees, District Councils and the representatives of residents will be consulted;

(c) of the principles on which the Government will consider the development mode for the land released; and

(d) whether the authorities plan to conduct, in collaboration with the Shenzhen Municipal Government, studies on how to avoid the situation in which the planned uses of the land on both sides of the boundary were incompatible with each other?


Madam President,

     The Frontier Closed Area (FCA) has been an effective security measure for safeguarding the integrity of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen boundary and combating cross-boundary crimes.  Since the Reunification, the Hong Kong and Shenzhen law enforcement agencies have been cooperating closely and effectively in fighting against cross-boundary crimes.  From the security point of view, therefore, there is scope for a substantial reduction of its coverage.

(a) We are currently at the final stage of examining the relevant details of the FCA reduction.  We will publicise the location of the new FCA boundary as well as the ancillary security measures as soon as possible.

(b) After the announcement of the FCA review results, we will consult the Heung Yee Kuk, the relevant District Councils and Rural Committees.

(c) The Planning Department will embark on a planning study on the land to be released from the FCA once the new FCA boundary has been confirmed.  The study will, under the principle of sustainable development, comprehensively consider factors such as land use, land development potentials and constraints, transport infrastructure, environment and conservation, as well as the views of the public, including those of the relevant District Councils, Rural Committees, resident representatives and environmental groups, with a view to formulating proposals for the future use of the land to be excised from the FCA.  

(d) The Governments in Shenzhen and Hong Kong have a regular liaison mechanism and a number of channels for the exchange of views and information on the town planning work of the two places.  Exchange visits between the relevant planning authorities are arranged from time to time to facilitate the exchange of views on planning and future development of the two places.  The Planning Department also briefs the Shenzhen Planning Bureau on long-term strategic planning studies in Hong Kong.  For example, the Planning Department briefed its Shenzhen counterpart on the "Hong Kong 2030" Study, in particular the proposals on development directions for the boundary areas, and listened to their views.  The Administration will give due regard to the relationship between the development of the two places so as to ensure that the planned land uses on both sides of the boundary will not be incompatible with each other.

Ends/Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:41