Transcript of SETW's stand-up briefing

    Following is a transcript (English version) of the stand-up briefing by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, today (May 29) after attending a radio programme.

Reporter: (New Central harbourfront's environmental impact)

Dr Liao: I think that the model presented by the Planning Department on the new harbour front development has provided a lot of green space, and also the GFA (Gross Floor Area) and height restriction have been published. This is just a visual presentation so that people can better understand what is going to happen. However, the department will carry out an urban design study before the detailed design guidelines will be finalised. At that stage, the public will be engaged.

Reporter: Some people say that there will be four lanes built underground, they are worried over the air conditioning over there. Will the bureau do some sort of study about that?

Dr Liao: As far as the roads (at Central Reclamation III) are concerned, at the planning stage we have done environmental impact assessment, including air quality assessment. With regard to the new roads, there shall not be any adverse impact.

Reporter: According to a report today, there is a panel for the KCRC on the notification system and it will be likely to reveal the result next month.

Dr Liao: Well, we are still carrying out the review. At the time when we finish the review, we will announce what our findings are. At the moment, it is still too early to comment.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion)

Ends/Monday, May 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:00