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Hospital Authority to implement Government Influenza Vaccination Programme

    In accordance with the Government's Influenza Vaccination Programme, the Hospital Authority  will start its routine Influenza Vaccination Programme from early November this year.  The programme covers inpatients of infirmary and psycho-geriatric units, inpatients who are mentally ill and mentally handicapped, inpatients with chronic diseases, paediatric inpatients with chronic diseases or on long term aspirin therapy.  

     Meanwhile, the authority's Specialist Out-patient Departments (SOPDs) and General Out-patient Clinics (GOPCs) will provide influenza vaccinations to the following eligible persons from early November to end of this year:

1. Paediatric outpatients with chronic diseases or on long term aspirin therapy;
2. Elderly aged 65 or above with chronic diseases and are being followed up in public clinics;
3. Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients in the following categories:
i)   Persons with chronic diseases of all age;
ii)  Elderly aged 65 or above;
iii) Children aged 6-23 months;
iv)  Pregnant women with antenatal appointments in public clinics.

     Vaccination is also extended to poultry workers and those who are involved in poultry culling operations; and healthcare workers of Resident Care Homes for the Elderly and Resident Care Homes for the Disabled who have not met the vaccination schedule at their work places.  Furthermore, the Hospital Authority will arrange vaccinations for all health care workers in public hospitals.

     An authority spokesman said that the influenza vaccine was very safe and usually well tolerated apart from occasional soreness at the injection site.  In rare instances, the recipient might experience fever, muscle and joint pains, and tiredness beginning six to 12 hours after vaccination and lasting up to two days.

     "Only a small percentage of people are not suitable for vaccination.  People who have a serious allergic reaction to eggs or to previous dose of influenza vaccine, should consult the doctor or nurse-in-charge prior to the vaccination."

     "People who have fever or are severely ill at the time the vaccination is scheduled should wait until they have recovered before receiving the influenza vaccination.  Patients of SOPDs and GOPCs can enquire at his/her own clinics; they can also call the authority hotline at 2300-6555 during office hours," the spokesman said.

Ends/Friday, May 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:01