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Appointments to Hong Kong Tourism Board

    The Government announced today (May 26) the re-appointment of the Commissioner for Tourism as Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) for a term of two years from June 1, 2006 to May 31, 2008.

     The Hong Kong Tourism Board Ordinance provides that the HKTB shall consist of 20 members. There is no change to the composition of the HKTB after the reappointment which is as follows:

     Hon Mrs Selina CHOW LIANG Shuk-yee (Chairman);
     Commissioner for Tourism (Deputy Chairman);
     Prof Andrew CHAN Chi-fai;
     Ms Vivien CHAN;
     Dr CHAN Wai-kwan;
     Mr Philip CHEN Nan-lok;
     Mr Paul CHIU Kai-wo;
     Mr CHOW Chung-kong;
     Mr Robert CHOW Yung;
     Hon Vincent FANG Kang;
     Mr Ronnie HO Pak-ting;
     Mr Michael HUI Koon-man;
     Mr Stanley KO Kam-chuen;
     Mr Frederick LAM Tin-fook;
     Mr LO Sui-on;
     Mr George MAGNUS;
     Mr TANG Kwai-nang;
     Mr James Tak WU; and
     Mr YU Pang-chun

Ends/Friday, May 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:25