TAC members discuss Central-Wan Chai Bypass proposed alignments

    The Transport Advisory Committee (TAC) discussed at its meeting today (May 17) the proposed alignment options and construction forms of the Central-Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) proposed by the Government's consultant for the Wan Chai Development Phase II (WDII) Review.

     The TAC noted the various options that were presented at the meeting and expressed appreciation for the efforts by all concerned to take forward the preparatory work for the construction of the CWB.  

     "The TAC maintains our full support for the construction of the CWB with its two sets of planned slip roads in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. We look forward to the early completion of this last piece of infrastructure of the strategic road link along the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island," said Ms Teresa Cheng, Chairman of the TAC.

     "We are also very glad to note the considerable attention paid to limit the reclamation required in examining how the CWB should be built and to maximise the opportunities the reclamation may provide for enhancing the harbour-front," she added.

     While appreciating the consultant's effort in designing the CWB with the need to protect the harbour and the environment fully in mind, Ms Cheng stressed that due regard should also be paid to the need to minimise traffic disruption and nuisance caused to the public during the construction stage.  

     "Construction of the CWB will take place in the urban area with busy traffic round the clock. I am glad that thoughts are already being given to minimising the disruption to traffic and the public, and hope that the relevant government departments will continue to enhance its efforts on this front and commence construction works for CWB as soon as possible," Ms Cheng said.

Ends/Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:14