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LCQ10: Barrier-free taxis

    Following is a question by the Dr Hon Fernando Cheung and a written reply by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, in the Legislative Council today (May 17).


     At a meeting of the 2005 Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan Review Working Group, an officer of the Transport Department pointed out that for "barrier-free taxis" accessible by wheelchairs to be introduced in Hong Kong, some technical difficulties had to be overcome, including the requirement that the type of taxis used should be fuelled by Liquefied Petroleum Gas ("LPG"), accessible by wheelchair and up to the safety standards for LPG filling.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the progress in sourcing the suitable type of vehicles; if no progress has been made, of other concrete solutions; and

(b)  whether it has set a specific timetable for the introduction of barrier-free taxis; if so, of the details?


Madam President,

(a)  The objective of the Government's rehabilitation policy in respect of transport services is to develop a public transport system which includes provision of appropriate facilities to meet the needs of people with disabilities (PWDs) so as to enhance their ability to move around at will and facilitate their full participation and integration into the community.  For PWDs who are unable to use ordinary public transport, they are provided with point-to-point rehabus service operated by the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation under Government subvention.  The Government recognises the need to actively consider the introduction of wheelchair-accessible barrier-free taxis in order to supplement the rehabus service.

     According to law, apart from liquefied petroleum gas ("LPG"), taxis can also use petrol as fuel.  There are petrol-fuelled wheelchair-accessible vehicles available in the market.  However, as their operating cost as taxis is higher than that of LPG taxis, the taxi trade has not introduced them for use as taxis.

     The Government and the taxi trade are actively sourcing for wheelchair-accessible LPG vehicles for use as barrier-free taxis.  Fuel supply system (including the fuel tank and associated pipework) of LPG vehicles requires approval by the Gas Authority (i.e. the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services).  To facilitate the introduction of wheelchair-accessible taxis, the Transport Department (TD) and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), held a briefing session recently in late April for the automobile trade on the specifications of LPG taxis, including requirements on gas safety for the fuel supply system, access and fastening devices for wheelchair, and safety harnesses for passengers, to facilitate identification of suitable vehicles by the trade.

(b)  TD and EMSD conducted a briefing session in late April to explain the standard and specifications of LPG vehicles and encourage the automobile trade and the taxi trade to introduce vehicle model which meets the legal requirements in Hong Kong as taxis so as to provide more convenient services for wheelchair users.  Should there be suitable vehicle model, the departments concerned will follow up proactively on relevant procedures, including fuel supply system tests, vehicle inspection and road tests, in order to facilitate the early launching of barrier-free taxis.

Ends/Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:04