Building contractors should adopt safety measures in bad weather

    As Hong Kong is now into the rainy and typhoon season, building contractors and site management staff should adopt appropriate measures in times of inclement weather to ensure the occupational safety and health of workers.

     A spokesman for the Labour Department today (May 15) reminded employers to ensure that their working environment was safe. They should also provide personal protective equipment such as safety helmets, waterproof safety boots and raincoats for workers on site.
     "When the weather turns bad, engineering staff on site should ensure that all scaffolding and hoardings are secured and taut, and all canvas removed. Workers responsible for lifting or transport appliances should not operate cranes such as tower cranes in strong winds, but should secure the jibs in a safe position according to the instructions of their supervisors.

     "Those responsible for external wall maintenance and cleaning should stop their work, lower suspended working platforms to the ground and secure them," he said.

     When there are torrential rain and thunderstorms, it is unsafe to work outdoors or in an open area. Employers should ask their employees to suspend their work and take temporary shelter in a safe place. Work should only be resumed when the weather conditions permit.

     "When the weather is back to normal, it is of paramount importance for contractors to check site conditions thoroughly and carry out necessary repairs or rectifications to ensure site safety before work resumes," he added.

     Hazards commonly found on site after inclement weather include:
* flooding in excavations;
* caving in of the sides of excavations and damage to the shoring;
* damaged scaffolding or working platforms on scaffolding;
* loosening of anchoring arrangement of lifting appliances;
* leakage of electric current from electrical installations; and
* missing safety fencing.

     The general duties provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance require employers to provide a safe plant and a safe system of work for employees. And employees should co-operate by using safety equipment provided by their employers.

     To provide practical guidelines of work arrangements, the Labour Department has published a leaflet, "Guide on Safety at Work in Times of Inclement Weather". The publication can be obtained from the department's Occupational Safety - Operations Divisional Offices or downloaded from the department's website,

     For enquiries about site safety, please call the Safety and Health Advisory Telephone Enquiry Service on 2559 2297.

Ends/Monday, May 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:32