Loan schemes for fishermen

The Government intended to provide loans amounting to $250 million in addition to existing loans to fishermen and fish farmers to tide over the annual fishing moratorium and to assist them to pursue alternative modes of operation and develop aquaculture business, a spokesman for the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau said today (May 13).

The Government has consulted Hon Wong Yung-kan, who represents the agriculture and fisheries sector, and fishermen groups in the last few months and the decision was made after taking into consideration the difficult operating environment facing by the fishermen in recent years and the need to conserve fisheries resources.

The message was conveyed to a group of fishermen and fish farmers during a meeting with the Deputy Director of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation, Mr Lau Sin-pang, today.

Among these $250 million, $190 million will be used for providing loans to assist fishermen and fish farmers to pursue sustainable fisheries or related operations, such as offshore fishing and developing aquaculture business.

Another $60 million will be used for offering low interest loan to fishermen affected by the moratorium in South China Sea.

"The arrangement will be similar to the moratorium loan and other existing loan schemes currently provided to fishermen.  They may use the loan to tide over the two months period in June and July and to make preparation for resumption of fishing activities after the moratorium," the spokesman said.

The Government will consult Legislative Council's Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene later this month and seek funding endorsement from the Finance Committee in June.

The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, will meet fishermen groups on May 16 to brief them the proposed loan schemes.

The Government appeals to the fishermen groups not to take any drastic action to pursue their request.

Ends/Saturday, May 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:53