Campaign to promote family education launched

    The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, today (May 13) officiated at the launching ceremony of the "Family at Heart" campaign, marking the beginning of a series of Government activities to strengthen and extend family education in the coming year.

     At the ceremony, Dr Chow noted cherishing the family, which formed the building blocks of the society, was a core value of our community.

     "The Government is committed to promoting the values, ethics and individual responsibility needed for family harmony among our people through various channels such as media publicity and district activities," he said.

     To achieve the goal, an interdepartmental task force comprising representatives from various bureaux and departments was set up to map out a comprehensive strategy on publicity and community involvement programmes for family education. Around $10 million would be spent to run these events.

     As part of the publicity programme, four sets of TV and radio announcements in public interest (API) would be produced to promote the family values of "modelling", "harmony", "love and care" and "commitment". The first API carrying the theme of "modelling" would start broadcasting today.

     The summer youth programme this year would feature "family harmony" as its theme to tie in with the implementation of the family education campaign. Other publicity events included TV drama and radio programmes as well as roving exhibitions.

     "A harmonious family relationship needs the cooperation and contribution of every member in the family. It is hoped that through this campaign, members of the public could be reminded of the importance of family and their responsibilities in this respect," Dr Chow added.

Ends/Saturday, May 13, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:51