LCQ 15 : Step up enforcement against using mobile telephone during driving

    Following is a question by the Dr Hon Raymond Ho and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (May 3) :


     With effect from 1 July 2000, a driver is prohibited by law from using any mobile telephone or other telecommunication equipment while holding it in his hand when the vehicle being driven by him is in motion.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the number of traffic accidents with casualties in each of the past three years which occurred while the drivers concerned were using mobile telephones held in their hands, and whether there is an upward trend in the number of such accidents;

(b) of the up-to-date number of people prosecuted so far for breaching the relevant law; and

(c) whether the Police will step up enforcement in this respect?


Madam President,

     The numbers of traffic accidents with casualties and which were related to drivers using handheld mobile telephones while driving were three, five and one in 2003, 2004 and 2005 respectively.  The figures do not indicate an upward trend of such accidents.  It should, however, be noted that generally, it is difficult to ascertain whether the drivers concerned are using handheld mobile telephones when accidents occur.

     Between July 1, 2000 and March this year, a total of 34,921 prosecutions were instituted against drivers who were using handheld mobile telephones while driving.

     The Police have been taking active enforcement actions against this offence.  We have also included this offence in the Schedule to the Fixed Penalty (Criminal Proceedings) Ordinance since January 1, 2006, so that the Police can institute prosecutions by way of fixed penalty tickets.  The Police will continue to step up enforcement against this offence.

Ends/Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:38