Council to publish documents on population policy and air quality

    The Council for Sustainable Development will launch a new Invitation and Response document on Population Policy and then later a Report on Better Air Quality, both of which are issues of priority to stakeholders as reflected at a forum organised to gather views on priority areas for the Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong.

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, and Chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development, Mr Rafael Hui, said today (May 2) that the launch of the documents would signify a major step for the council to address the long-term sustainability of Hong Kong, working hand in hand with the community.

     On the priority area of Population Policy, the council plans to launch a new Invitation and Response document by June this year. This consultation document will form the basis for engaging the community in discussing population issues with a bearing on Hong Kong's sustainability.

     Building on the experience in the first engagement exercise, the council will continue with its broad-based and inclusive engagement process to invite public views on demographic issues in summer this year.

     The council will organise a series of forums, workshops, strategy summit and roving exhibitions. There will be a new strategy website on, and bulletins to keep all stakeholders informed of the exercise.

     The Study Group on Better Air Quality under the council, chaired by the Council Vice-Chairman, Dr Edgar Cheng, submitted to the council at today's meeting the group's findings on the wide range of issues contributing to the air quality of Hong Kong.

     "The issue of air quality is a critical one. We need everyone in the community to help tackle the problem," said Dr Cheng.

     A Council Report on Better Air Quality will be prepared to take into account views expressed by members, and this will be published later in the year. On issues such as congestion charging mechanisms, better energy efficiency and conservation measures and banning idling engines, etc., the council will invite public views through the public engagement exercise.

     At today's meeting, the council also considered the education and publicity programmes and initiatives. The Education and Publicity Sub-committee plans to launch the fourth round of Sustainable Development Fund applications later this month. The Sub-committee will continue with its efforts on the outreach programmes in schools as well as the community.

     In addition, the council noted the progress of the implementation of the First Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong. Whilst the overall achievement towards sustainability requires concerted efforts of all sectors of the community, the Government had also played its part in working towards the strategic objectives, targets and plan of action set out in the first strategy devised in May 2005.

     The agenda and discussion papers for today's meeting will be posted on the website in a week's time, and the digest of discussion at the meeting will be posted shortly afterwards.

Ends/Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:10