Report No. 46 of the Director of Audit

    Report No. 46 of the Director of Audit on the results of value for money audits completed between October, 2005, and February, 2006, was tabled in the Legislative Council this morning (April 26).

     Value for money audit is an examination into the economy, efficiency and effectiveness with which any bureau of the Government Secretariat, department, agency and other public body has discharged its functions.  Report No. 46 covers a variety of subjects on the administration of government programmes and operation of government departments.

     Report No. 46 comprises the following nine chapters:

Chapter  Subject
1        Collection of fines imposed by Magistrates' Courts

2        Inspection and regulation of food premises

3        Maintenance of public marine facilities

4        Management of the government fleet

5        Provision of public museum services

6        Road safety: accident investigation and law enforcement

7        RTHK: financial control and resource management

8        RTHK: governance and strategic management

9        Tai Po Water Treatment Works Project: contract

     The Director of Audit's Report No. 46 on the results of value for money audits is available on the Audit Commission's website at

Ends/Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:00