SHWF to study health care systems in Switzerland, France and United Kingdom

The Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, Dr York Chow, will visit Switzerland, France and the United Kingdom between tomorrow (April 19) and April 24 to study their health care systems.

At the first stop of his visit to Bern, Switzerland, tomorrow, Dr Chow will call on the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.  He will hold discussions with officials of Health Insurance Supervision Division of the Federal Office of Public Health on the regulation of health insurance products and premiums.

On Thursday (April 20), Dr Chow will visit the Secretariat of the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health to learn more about the implementation of health insurance and health care financing.  He will take the opportunity to meet one of the larger mandatory health care insurers and visit the world-renowned University Hospital which is also a teaching hospital and a centre for research and training.

During his stay in Paris, France on Friday (April 21), Dr Chow will meet officials of the French National Health Insurance Fund For Salaried Workers where he will be briefed on the country's health care insurance fund and its reform, as well as the health care financing system.

In the afternoon, Dr Chow will visit the Georges Pompidou European Hospital, one of the top hospitals in Europe.  He will tour the Institut Pasteur which is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of disease, and the combating of primarily infectious diseases through research, education, and public health activities.

At his last stop in London on April 24, Dr Chow will visit the Food Standards Agency which is an independent Government department to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food.  He will address a lunch hosted by the Hong Kong Association for business leaders in the United Kingdom and update them on Hong Kong's situation, in particular, in the health area.

Before he leaves London, Dr Chow will meet the Minister of State for Health Services, Ms Rosie Winterton, to discuss health issues of mutual concern.

Dr Chow will return to Hong Kong on April 25.

Ends/Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:16