Pan-Pearl River Delta forum held in Singapore

The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) held a forum in Singapore today (March 31) entitled "Pan-Pearl River Delta: The '9+2' Equation" to help the business community in Singapore better understand the economic implications and business opportunities arising from the Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD) region.

His Excellency Zhang Yun, the Chinese Ambassador in Singapore, was the guest of honour. The event was attended by more than 200 government officials, diplomats, leading businessmen, senior business executives, academics, analysts and media representatives. Some participants came from Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan.  

In his opening speech, Mr KK Lam, Director of the HKETO in Singapore, highlighted the distinct advantages of Hong Kong as a strategic gateway to access the PPRD region. "Through this forum, we are glad to present to ASEAN investors and businessmen the opportunities for, and the benefits of accessing the huge China market through Hong Kong.  

"Trade between Hong Kong and ASEAN is flourishing. The total volume increased 18.2% from $318.2 billion (US$40.8 billion) in 2003 to $376.1 billion (US$48.2 billion) in 2004. Collectively, ASEAN is Hong Kong's third largest trading partner. Hong Kong is also an important entrepot for trade between the Mainland and ASEAN.

"And there are other reasons that more ASEAN companies would wish to establish operations in Hong Kong. Apart from the PPRD Regional Cooperation, they would benefit from the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). ASEAN companies may set up manufacturing operations in Hong Kong to supply the Mainland market with a wide range of commodities free of import duties, as long as the products manufactured in Hong Kong meet the CEPA rules of origin."

Under the chairmanship of acknowledged China expert in Singapore, Professor Tan Kong Yam of Nanyang Technological University, speakers from Hong Kong, the Mainland and Singapore shared their insights at the forum.
Speakers included Professor Li Jiangfan of Sun Yat-sen University; Professor John Wong of East Asian Institute; and Mr David Lim, Vice-Chairman of the Singapore Association of Hong Kong.

The two academics discussed the synergy between the PPRD region and ASEAN countries, from the perspective of their respective areas of research.

Mr Lim, Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of Link First Global Logistics Ltd, shared his company's experience in investing in Hong Kong and from there into the PPRD region.

The PPRD region, popularly known as "9+2", consists of nine provinces, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan, plus the two Special Administrative Regions Hong Kong and Macau. It covers a population of 450 million. The regional cooperation concept was launched in June 2004.

The forum was organised by the HKETO in Singapore as part of its 10th Anniversary Celebrations. The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council regional office in Singapore were respectively the event's co-organiser and partner.

Ends/Friday, March 31, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:04