LCQ6: Permanent posts of former Housing Bureau incorporated Into Housing Department

Following is a question by the Hon Fred LI and a written reply by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen in the Legislative Council today (29 March):


Since 1 July 2002, the Government has gradually incorporated the Housing Branch ("HB") of the Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau into the structure of the Housing Department ("HD"), and the Housing Authority ("HA") has, with effect from 1 April 2003, become responsible for funding the activities undertaken by the former HB.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the existing permanent posts in HD with major responsibilities that were within the purview of the former HB, and the total annual payroll costs of such posts; and

(b) given that a substantial part of HA's revenue comes from public housing tenants, whether the authorities have assessed if it is fair to require HA to bear the payroll costs of such posts?


Madam President,

My reply to the two-part question is as follows:

(a) At present, there are 20 permanent posts in the Housing Department with responsibilities in whole or in part previously undertaken by the former Housing Bureau.  These posts are detailed at the Annex.  Eleven of these posts principally deal with policy work related to public housing or the Housing Authority.  The remaining nine posts are engaged in work related to the private residential property market, the Housing Society and regulation of estate agents.  The annual payroll costs for the former group of posts are $11.4 million and the latter $7.1 million.

(b) From 1 April 2006 onwards, the payroll costs for the above mentioned nine posts dealing with work related to the private residential property market and so on will be borne by the Government.  For the remaining 11 posts that principally deal with work that is directly related to public housing or the Housing Authority, the payroll costs will be borne by the Housing Authority.  There is no question of unfairness.

Ends/Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 11:43