HK, Macau sign correctional services MOU (with photo)

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in Macau today (March 29) between the correctional services authorities of Hong Kong and Macau.

     The Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Pang Sung-yuen, signed the MOU on behalf of Hong Kong's Correctional Services Department, while Macau was represented by the Director of Macau Prison, Mr Lee Kam Cheong, at the ceremony.

     Mr Pang said that in line with the principles of the MOU, the two jurisdictions would collaborate in major projects such as observational visits to each other's institutions, joint research and study, bilateral seminars, exchange of staff and information.

     The CSD has signed similar MOUs with the correctional authorities of Canada, Singapore and South Korea since 2001.

Ends/Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:46