LCQ6: Measures to combat red-light jumping

    Following is a question by the Hon Mrs Selina Chow and an oral reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, in the Legislative Council meeting today (March 8):


     In July last year, the Finance Committee of this Council approved a provision for gradually increasing the number of red-light cameras from 28 to 96. Also, starting from New Year's Day this year, the driving-offence points which motorists will incur for red-light jumping have also been raised from 3 to 5 while the fixed penalty has been increased from $450 to $600. Nevertheless, red-light jumping is reportedly still rampant. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the respective numbers of red-light jumping prosecutions instituted by the Police in January and February this year, and how such numbers compare to those for the same months last year as well as the average monthly figure for last year;

(b) of the progress in installing red-light cameras; and

(c) whether it plans to further increase the number of red-light cameras and step up law enforcement efforts to deter such acts?


Madam President,

     The Police instituted 2,563 and 2,375 prosecutions against red-light jumping in January and February 2006 respectively, representing a decrease of 11 per cent over the monthly average of the same period last year. The average monthly figure for these two months is 29 per cent lower than the overall monthly average last year.

     The contract for the expansion of the red-light camera system, which included the procurement of 68 digital cameras and installation of camera housings at 20 junctions, was awarded in October 2005. Installation of 48 cameras at existing housings is scheduled to be completed in July this year, and installation of housings and cameras at 20 junctions will be completed in October.

     We plan to further expand the red-light camera system, including replacing wet-film cameras which have reached the end of their serviceable life, and continuing to examine suitable locations for such installation. With an increase in the penalties for red-light jumping since January 1, 2006 and installation of more red-light cameras, the Police will step up enforcement actions at the same time. We will also enhance our efforts in publicity and education, so as to combat red-light jumping on various fronts.

Ends/Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:54