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Remarks by Secretary for Security on crime situation

    Following is the transcript (English portion) of the remarks made to the media by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, after the Fight Crime Committee meeting this (February 25) morning:

Secretary for Security: This morning the Fight Crime Committee reviewed the crime situation of 2005 as well as the first month of this year. In January this year we recorded a slight decease in the overall crime rate, a decrease of half a per cent (0.5%). At the same time, there was a slight increase in violent crimes like assault, rape and indecent assault, theft, car theft and some deception cases. Overall, the crime situation is very stable. Hong Kong remains one of the safest cities in the world. On juvenile criminals, the figure continued to drop. This is a good sign indicating that our education and publicity programmes work. On the other hand, as far as drug offences are concerned, the Customs and Excise Department as well as the Police have increased their efforts in law enforcement resulting in a record seizure of certain drugs like Ketamine. But at the same time, the number of drug abusers recorded is dropping, and that is also an encouraging sign. As far as visitors committing crimes in Hong Kong are concerned, the figure is also dropping. By and large, the crime situation in Hong Kong is very stable and Hong Kong remains a very safe and secure city.

Reporter: Are you saying that you are able to hire more people......?

Secretary for Security: Not exactly. Because every year there are resignations and retirements. We have to fill these vacancies. On the other hand, we have also new projects like the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Western Corridor. The new control point will be opened next year whereby we have a bridge linking Hong Kong and Shekou. And there is also a new control point at Lok Ma Chau. Maybe there is a new control point at Tuen Mun where we have new ferry services plying between Hong Kong and Macau. These are the new services.

Reporter: Can you explain why there seems to be a resurgence of violent crimes......?

Secretary for Security: We have noticed that there is sort of an increase in robbery cases while robbery cases had recorded a drop in 2005. Of course, we are concerned but I don't think we can draw any conclusion by the figure of one month. As far as rape cases are concerned, there is sort of a slight increase as compared with last year. We have also noticed that, especially in 2004 and 2005, there has been a slight increasing trend of rape cases. And after some analysis, we discovered that in the majority of these cases, the victim and the attacker knew each other, either they were employers and employees or they were family members or they were friends. In the majority of these cases, we managed to arrest the offenders and lay charges. I think this is more than a sort of criminal activity. Maybe there are some social elements and we need to look at it from a wider angle.

Reporter: Many people seem to be undeterred by the problems in the Philippines......

Secretary for Security: People have the freedom to travel. This is one of the freedoms we treasure in Hong Kong. Yesterday we issued a statement reminding Hong Kong residents when they travel abroad, they should take care and watch out for any disturbances and their personal safety as well. If they run into any difficulty or problem, they should get in touch with our embassy in that place, now in Manila, or they can always contact our Immigration Department through the hotline [(852)1868].

Reporter: Have you adopted any further security measures in the Philippines for Hong Kong?

Secretary for Security: That is outside our jurisdiction I must say. All we can do is to remind Hong Kong travellers to be more careful and if they have any difficulties, let us know either through the embassy or through the Immigration Department.

Reporter: Twenty thousand Muslims are planning a big march......?

Secretary for Security: According to the organiser, there will be 3,000 people gathering and march. The Police are now liaising with the organiser to make sure that tomorrow's meeting will be an orderly one.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Saturday, February 25, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:02