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Marine Police seized about $20 million worth of suspected smuggled goods

Marine Police arrested seven men following the seizure of $20.3 million worth of suspected smuggled goods off west of Shek Ngau Chau last night (February 14).

At about 9.50 pm yesterday, during an anti-smuggling operation, officers of the Small Boat Division spotted an unlit cargo vessel near north of Wong Mau Chau.  The Marine vessels then followed the cargo vessel and found it headed towards Mainland waters.

Officers then signaled the vessel to stop but were ignored.  The vessel, with seven Hong Kong men on board, was subsequently intercepted off west of Shek Ngau Chau.  Marine Police then boarded the cargo vessel for enquiries.  

About 960,000 pieces of video compact discs in 800 boxes and about 1600 rolls of film processing paper in another 800 boxes, wrapped in waterproof plastic bags, with an estimated retail value of about $20.3 million were found on board.  

Seven men, aged between 28 and 64, on board the cargo vessel were arrested for attempting to export unmanifested cargo upon their failure to produce a manifest for the cargo.  Among them, a 62-year-old man was also arrested for failing to stop.

The case has been handed over to the Customs and Excise Department for follow-up action.

Police Report No. 6

Ends/Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 16:09