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LCQ8: Prosecution figure of cycling on pavements

    Following is a question by the Hon Miriam Lau and a written reply by the Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, Dr Sarah Liao, at the Legislative Council meeting today (February 15) :


     I have noticed that many people ride bicycles on pavements, endangering the safety of pedestrians.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a)  of the number of prosecutions instituted in each of the past three years by the Police against persons for cycling on pavements, broken down by administrative districts, as well as the respective annual numbers of traffic accidents involving cycling on pavement;

(b)  whether it will step up prosecution actions in this regard; if so, of the relevant details; if not; the reasons for that; and

(c)  whether there are other measures to curb cycling on pavements; if so, of the details?


Madam President,

     We do not have the prosecutions figures and the number of traffic accidents involving cycling on pavements, broken down by administrative districts.  However, such prosecution figures in the past three years, broken down by Police regions, are as follows:

Police regions          2003        2004        2005
**************          *****       *****       ****
Hong Kong Island          гн          4           2
Kowloon East             9            1          63
Kowloon West             39           35         112
New Territories South    339          432         455
New Territories North    1,073      1,485       1,779
Total                    1,460      1,957       2,411

     We do not have the number of traffic accidents involving cycling on pavements, but the numbers of traffic accidents involving bicycles in the past three years are as follows:

Police regions           2003        2004        2005
**************           ****        ****        ****
Hong Kong Island         47           4           53
Kowloon East             59           1           66
Kowloon West            114          35          126
New Territories South   477         432          531
New Territories North   973       1,485          870
Total                  1,670       1,957        1,646

     The number of prosecutions against cycling on pavements has continued to increase in the past three years, from 1,460 in 2003 to 2,411 in 2005, representing an increase of 65 per cent.  The Police will continue to step up enforcement actions.

     Apart from strengthening enforcement, we will also continue to enhance our publicity and education efforts, with particular emphasis on educating the public not to cycle on pavements at popular cycling spots and during summer holidays.  The Police will also organise campaigns jointly with district councils to promote cycling safety from time to time.

Ends/Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:41